Friday Photos

A fun week with lots of different things happening, first off Dream Approval streaking to an easy victory at Carlisle on Tuesday
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Montcalm (our field companion) and Piccadillo enjoying a lazy September day out in the paddocks
Herons Heir, the last Highclere Thoroughbred Racing’s Jumpers who spent their summer break with us before his return to training, good luck to all connectionsIMG_4067
Trimoulet cuts a handsome figure as he winds his way home from the gallops on misty morningIMG_4072.
Who’sthedaddy cantering, will make his return to action on the 22nd of September at Kempton, where his half brother Lisa’s Legacy won for us last year – let’s hope it runs in the family!IMG_4086
Bailiwick goes airborne, he looks likely to make his debut towards the end of the month
Outrage cuts a handsome figure whilst being schooled
Thewaythewindblows trying to follow suit
The Diskovery III partnership’s Bushranger filly gets ridden outdoors for the first time find out more about this fun partnership here.
Approve ex Balamiyda gets a pat from Claire whilst being ridden around her stable, she’ll venture outdoors tomorrow