Grand National Guesses and other news!
Well its the time of year when all our non-racing friends call us up asking for tips for the Grand National, despite trying to explain that its the hardest race to find the winner in they all seem keen to get an inside line so just for fun here are a couple of thoughts, Ballabriggs and Synchronised must both have great chances but the huge weights and short prices make looking elsewhere attractive, Shakalakaboomboom could top a great year for Nicky Henderson and West End Rocker looks a real contender for Alan King. Giles Cross of Victor Dartnall’s catches the eye off a low weight but alas it seems ground will be too quick. As a real outsider at 100-1 Deep Purple is intriguing if he can get it all together on the day and is over any bleeding issues he seems to have struggled with in the past. Good luck!
The Compton Place filly out of Like a Virgin is now named Ghetto Diva and has done well for a three week break to refresh and let all the lessons of the past couple of months sink in and will now be geared up for some faster work.
We will be at the Craven Breeze up sales looking for new recruits to the two year old ranks, so if you want to get involved in ownership with us get in touch. We’ll also be looking at a couple of small horses in training sales the week after and at the beginning of May for some fun horses for those looking for an older horse for some fun in a short space of time, we have our eyes on a couple who could win for you very shortly if you are interested.