Lycetts Team Champions 2020

Congratulations to the whole team for winning the Lycetts Team Champion Award. The award celebrates and rewards the British racehorse training yards with the highest standards of employee management and strong team ethos.
Training winners requires a strong team of horsemen and women working together. Happy people make for happy horses. We have always looked to innovate and improve the quality of life for our team, we have focused particularly on a good work life balance and on personal development. Racing is often tarnished as a backward thinking industry when it comes to employment practices and we have always set out to do things better.
The Lycetts Team Champion Award has provided a wonderful framework for us to analyse and improve our employment practices. Just as developing horses to win races is rewarding so has been developing our team. The award requires the whole team to buy into what we are doing at Sarsen Farm and we are really proud of the huge effort they put into their work.
Now all we have to do as a team is decide how to spend the £4,000 first prize generously put up by Lycetts.