Sherman McCoy at Cheltenham for a good cause

Sherman McCoy runs today (March 14th) at Cheltenham in the St. Patricks Day Derby. Depending on the whether they re-stage the cross country he will run at either 5:45 or 5:15. Sherman McCoy will be ridden by Rachael Harding who has raised a staggering amount for Cancer Research to ride in the race, which is run in aide of the charity. Its all about fun and with all kinds of horses in it who knows how Sherman will go. The trip should suit him, the ground might not be quick enough but it will be a great thrill for Rachael. Rachael is riding the race in memory of her father and it’s a cause close to Daniel’s heart too having lost his father to cancer many years ago. If you would like to support Rachael and our cause please visit her Just Giving page by clicking the link.

Rachael getting some match practice on Sherman in a piece of work.
