Thoughts on Sherman McCoy at Wolverhampton tomorrow

Happy New Year and let’s hope its a successful one. With some nice looking yearlings and some unexposed three year olds it should be exciting but its the old boy of the yard who kicks things off for 2013.

Sherman McCoy runs in the 4.30 at Wolverhampton under Martin Dwyer tomorrow (Friday 4th of January). He runs over a mile and three quarters, the trip at which he has done most of his winning and the first time he tackles the distance for us. We’re looking forward to a bold bid as he was just done for a turn of foot on his first start for us over a mile and half and ran very respectably; he was then unlucky in running over two miles on his next start getting hampered just as the race developed before plugging on too late once any chance had gone. It seems likely Sherman McCoy will make the running tomorrow as there aren’t really any obvious other contenders to set the pace, which should suit him as he seems to enjoying bowling along in front.

Whilst there are only six runners in the race a case could be made for most of them – however the two to fear most are the bottom weights who finished first and second in a recent contest over course and distance. Albeit was a weaker contest that day, Tram Express the victor is very unexposed on the flat having started life over hurdles and could be progressive. Reaction has undoubtedly improved back towards his old form since joining current connections and it would be no surprise to see him continue on his comeback to form. Adiynara had good form on the flat in Ireland over shorter trips and if he stays will certainly have prospects. It looks to be a race where tactics and timing could be the difference in the result.

Sherman McCoy
