Thoughts on Lalinde and Shamiana at Wolverhampton tomorrow evening.

Lalinde and Shamina run in the 7.00 at Wolverhampton tomorrow (8th of November) evening. Joe Fanning and Silvestre De Sousa ride the two fillies respectively in the mile classified stakes.

Lalinde turned in a better performance on the track than she managed to date last time out. She was still more free than ideal and if she could just temper that enthusiasm to a degree she hast he talent to win races. Ideally she would race over further as she has a lovely long galloping stride and pedigree to stay further but has a bad habit of burning herself out. The hope is that she will settle better in this contest and that we can gradually ease her up in trip over time. Lalinde is not well drawn and its therefore hard to be too confident about her chances, a more sensible approach to racing is what we are looking for on this occasion.

Shamiana has her first start for us since joining us and we are pleased with the progress she has made in her homework, seemingly gaining confidence with each piece of work. She has worn a variety of headgear in previous races but there seems little in her homework to suggest she requires any at this stage. She has made the majority of her starts to date over sprint trips and whilst she clearly has some speed, she has more of a staying build and her sire was a good mile and a half horse this run will give us more of an idea which direction to head with her. We’ve done quite a bit of stalls work as she seemed to be getting into bad habits and hopefully she can make a sharper break tomorrow.

The contest by its nature is not a strong one and there isn’t much good form on offer. Recent winner Dustland Fairytale warrants respect and Squirrel Wood has put in a couple of eye catching recent performances. Zaroud is lightly raced and one imagines must be showing something at home for his new trainer to warrant the trip over from Ireland for this despite having shown very little on a racecourse to date.

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